Charlie has been having a hard time ever since his brother died. In addition to that, after the tragic car accident he survived he starts having a connection with the afterlife. During this car crash, Charlie survives but his younger brother does not. In the tragic but loving novel by author Ben Sherwood. Through the story Charlie learns that he has to let his brother go and focus on his own life and stop living for his brother. Charlie works at the Cemetery by Day and by Sunset goes to meet the spirit of his dead little brother until the next morning. This promise between the brothers is kept for the rest of Charlie's life. The story  takes place in Massachusetts. During this story Charlie falls in love with a girl named "Tess".
   Charlie ST. Cloud  is a eye-opening and story of commitment and compassion. This story effectively shows the true meaning on commitment and compassion. Told from third person point of view. 
     Throughout the story, readers see Charlie grow as a character overall for example he goes from being irresponsible to a man that take responsbility for his actions, and growing from a boy to a man.
     Filled with unforgettable characters, Charlie St. Cloud is one of those good quick reads that will leave you wanting more. I would recommend this book to students of ages fifteen and up just because of the content. Its one of those story's that leaves you wanting to know more about the world of the unknown. Turning pain and sorrow into joy and content. This book reveled to me that sometimes accidnet
Madison Simonian
2/21/2013 10:19:23 am

This was a really good review. I like how you explained how his brother died and he had to learn to live without him. A lot of people lose family members and have to learn how to deal with their deaths. Great job!

Isabella Bautista
2/23/2013 11:59:44 am

I have seen the movie but I have never read the book. I think you did an amazing job describing what the book was about. Your detail was really good! Nice review!

haili senegal
2/27/2013 11:55:40 am

I think that you did a great book review. You really sum up the story well and you made me want to read the book.

Annette Counts
3/3/2013 04:52:55 pm

Maddie - I think you are on the right track with this review. You point out what makes the book good: Charlie's character development, the tragic story. You just need to give a little more explanation in your commentary. AND some proofreading would be nice!

Dallas Watkins
3/12/2013 02:23:40 am

I like your book review, I like the detail and you did a great job

michael hauser
3/20/2013 02:06:04 am

i thought you did a good job on your book review really did good.

Jason Brown
3/20/2013 02:22:28 am

That was a very good review Maddie. You had some very good details and points but I think you can go through your review again and fix a few mistakes with incorrect spellings and make a couple things a little clearer.


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    November 2012

